Kenya has many farmers of all kind; traditional pastoralist, smallholder farmers and commercial large farms. A large % is organised in cooperatives. We do select the best farmers amongst the many in the area where we are based and source the milk.
As we produce dairy products at the highest quality levels that people can trust according our promise and purpose we have developed a Quality and Sustainability program called "Its in our Nature".
Farmers do have to be part of the program to be able to deliver to Sundale Dairy Foods. The milk is paid a fair price and quality and sustainability are criteria used in the payment methodology. The more milk and the higher the score on quality and sustainability, the higher the extra allowance in milkprice.
In return the farmers will receive training and support in improving on the elements and criteria and KPI's set in the program.
There is no dairy farmer that constantly look to improve and tries to learn from their neighbor farmers and to be better. Its in their nature to take care of their land and animals and to leave the farm better behind to the next generation.